Releasing Fear and Claiming Freedom with Archangel Michael
You have big energy and hold so much for everyone.
Allow Archangel Michael, your guardian angels, and guides of the highest Light to hold it for you as you release tension, stress, and fear so that you can integrate energy of freedom and the highest light.
Adjust to a type of protective energy that is more in line with the world today and the work you are here to do.
Through this journey, you will:
- Experience deep relief and release with astounding ease
- Create a strong protective force that works in all directions and for all misaligned energies
- Increase your vitality, confidence, and joy
- Be able to show up better for yourself and everyone else
- Have the tools and support that will give you more energy to go out into the world and do the work that you do
Feel lighter, freer, more aligned, and grounded so that you’ll be able to serve the world in a way that brings you and everyone you encounter closer to their highest potential.
Run time: 27 min. 52 sec.