Embodying the Power of Love
This incredibly powerful meditative journey will connect you with all of the beings of the Highest Light who are best of service to you at this particular time. You will heal your system and move through any obstacles that have kept you from seeing or connecting with your power as it truly is. You will then gently and lovingly integrate it as your body is reattuned to the indomitable frequency of Love that is necessary for your Purpose now.
You will be comfortable embracing your Power and the Power of Love, and able to shine it out into the world like never before.
Run Time: 28 minutes 55 seconds
Through this meditative experience, you will:
• call in the limitless support of your higher Self, the Universe, and your entire Divine Team
• heal connections that are no longer serving you
• activate and strengthen your immune system
• be able to hold more Light than ever before
• integrate your Power through the strength and Grace of Love