Connection to other people fuels us like nothing else, and, over the course of the long metaphorical winter humanity has just faced, we’ve come right up against this truth. It’s been an intense period of internal focus, and the absence of connection in the ways we are used to has had even the most hardcore of introverts yearning for socialization.

As we move into spring, many of us literally as well as figuratively, the Angels are telling us it’s time to reclaim the power of connection. We are social beings who thrive in community. Relating to others is one of the fastest ways for us to change our vibrations because feeling part of a group recharges our batteries. There’s a resonance that happens, and this can be a positive or a not-so-positive thing, depending on whom you are surrounded by.

Disconnection affects our nervous systems and psyches. As people who are used to showing up for others, we have a tendency to minimize the impact that experiences have on our own systems. The Angels are asking us to notice how we have been impacted over the past year, and give ourselves time to acknowledge it. Easing our expectations of as well as the standards to which we hold ourselves.

The Angels are also inviting us to celebrate the fact that we’ve made it through to now and all that it took for us to do so. When we celebrate milestones, even if they don’t seem like big deals, we are in gratitude and appreciation and become receptive to more of the goodness that Universe holds for us. We’re able to allow more support, and the Angels are currently able to assist us in much more tangible ways because the energy of the earth has shifted and the vibration of the collective has raised. (Regardless of how things might appear!)

In the most recent months, we’ve seen illusion falling away at more and more subtle levels. We’ve continuously let go and re-prioritized. We’ve gone deep to examine what’s important enough to carry with us as we move forward. The process of release at that level has completed. Moving into March, we move into action.

The seeds we’ve planted are beginning to grow, and it’s time for us to nurture them.  As we feed these things, we send the message to the Divine, “Thank you. Please bring me more.”

The Angels are encouraging us to examine how we want to feel in our own lives and how we want the world to feel. We are now building what comes next, setting strong foundations with every thought, action, and intention.Examining and nurturing select areas of our lives helps to pull ourselves and the collective closer to this vision becoming our reality.

Energy follows intention and intention follows attention. Are there things we’re giving attention to that are not worthy of it? We are making active choices every time we focus on something. If it’s not worthy or is fear-based, we need to take that time and energy back and move it somewhere supportive of the future that we want—both in our own lives and in our experience of the world.

We need to do more of the things that feed our souls, nurturing and developing the connections that we’ve chosen to keep. Those are the ones that feed and support us.

As so much of humanity is hitting the proverbial brick wall based on what we’ve been through, it’s time for us to look at ways we can connect safely and completely, leaning into this energetic interconnectedness in order to create feelings of belonging. In this way, we will have active support with our feet firmly on the ground. As we continue to grow our connection to the Divine, our Divine Team, and our Angels, we need to allow it to shift and change. We need to do all of those things within our human connections, as well. Creativity is key here.

There is an energetic web of sorts, between every single soul in this world and we are coming into a time where we will be relying more and more on connection through this grid. Moving into our heart centers automatically activates our openness, then we can move energy through this crystalline web.

Many dismiss this energetic connection because it can’t necessarily be seen or observed. Yet once you’ve experienced it, you know it to be true. YOU have experienced it in some way in your lifetime, so the Angels want us all to move more deeply into trusting, so that we don’t feel as isolated and energetically depleted and can focus on building strong foundations.

As we move forward, the diminished vibration that comes from loneliness is not an option. There’s power in connection, and people are reaching out for you with their full hearts and souls. They are praying for your presence in their lives, just as you are, theirs. When we allow our vibrations to exist fully in the world, we attract the people who are right for us. However, we’ve often contracted our energy, because of our sensitivity levels. This has prevented others from receiving our full energetic imprint, so connections have sometimes been missed or have been based on partial energetic resonance. It’s time to open and ground into the safety and support that is available from our Angels and from each other, especially.

The Angels are asking us now to take a moment and utilize the unending power of our connection.

Start by bringing your breath to your heart center—that energetic space that exists right near your physical heart. Invite your Angels—your guardian angels, your archangels to be present. (Or, if you’re not comfortable with that, invite the Divine, God, to be here with you and to fill your heart with love.)

Just let it rain down and wash over you. Let it fill your heart. Breathe it in.

If any thoughts of unworthiness come, just breathe them out.

Feel your heart filled with this energy of love.

With your next breath, we’re going to release this love, sending it out through your heart center, and letting it wash over the world. Let it reach anyone who is sick and suffering at this moment—anyone who is ready to receive this love and support. Let it wash over the world.

You may experience it traveling through that crystalline web of interconnectedness. Let it go where it is needed. Let it go with the intention to help those who are on a journey of healing, who need support, and who are feeling isolated and alone.

Since you’re sending the love of the Divine, this takes nothing from you. It is a completely renewable resource that will not utilize any of your energy. Just let it move through.

This is how we use the energetic connection when we come together with a focus. We are power-full, and we can change the lives of people just by being willing to connect with each of them.

Continue to breathe, knowing that this collective intention is changing the lives of people all over the world right now.

When you feel complete, bring your attention back to your own heart center and feel. How is your body is responding? There will be a lightness to your energy and a joy because you have helped another person and because you have connected.

There are so many who need healing right now, maybe you’re even one of them. The Angels are always with us, just waiting for us to ask for assistance and tell them what we need. In cases where we don’t even know what we need, we can simply tell them how we want to feel so that they can show us the first step to moving in that direction. All we need to do then is take the action.

Breathe into your heart and let their love let the love of the Divine fill you. There is so much gratitude for the work that you’ve just done. May you be blessed tenfold.

You are power-full, and together, we are a force of Love that can never be challenged.

Much Love,



Tap here to start living in the flow of the miraculous with our 3-part Opening to Miracles series happening throughout March.

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